Home Archive Over a Year of News from NashvilleHype!

Over a Year of News from NashvilleHype!


Here’s a years worth of ‘news’ from NashvilleHype! — be warned, the links won’t always work… and the LARGE blank areas are most likely links to the old archive…  the pictures don’t always show either … this was about all we could salvage… sorry.



Posted Jun 23, 2007 by Paul
Filed under: News

I finally had a chance to come over and take a look around and I wanted to thank you all again. I’ve met so many people and I know NH still has a pretty large number of people coming over to read past articles and interviews with other music professionals working in and around Nashville. These are really good interviews and some great people to know here in town – so I highly reccommend you read them.

The toughest job in the world almost is being in a position to help someone else out. By that I mean, the people who are in the position to help your career are constantly needled on (we call it Gherming) – everyone wants something from these people and after all, they’re only human. So please remember that while you’re making your pitch or whatnot. (When I say everyone, I mean everyone wants something from them – so take it easy.)

Otherwise, once again I want to wish everyone the best of luck in your ventures. Write, sing, or play better than anyone else here and above all – keep working hard.

On a personal note, I appreciate your continued prayers.

The Cash House

Posted Apr 11, 2007 by Paul
Filed under: News

Johnny Cash’s old house burned to the ground yesterday.

(picture credit:The Tennessean)

I grew up in Hendersonville, not far from Johnny’s house. Many friends lived on the same street as that old house, and I passed by it probably 300 times or more. The Cash’s cliffs for lake diving were right around the corner. I can’t help but be a little sad that the house is now gone as well.

When I was a kid, somehow I got Johnny’s home phone number. This was before I ever got to meet and spend any time with him. I called him up one day, and sure enough, he answered the phone. It was my first encounter ever with a public figure. I quickly hung up.

Several years later, I saw Johnny, dressed in a bright work out suit, walk through Kroger’s – everyone knowing, no one bothering him. That was one of the great things about growing up in a city known for all it’s music stars, people generally didn’t pay much attention, they just let them go about their business. I just enjoyed walking around the store with him.

Everyone I knew, knew Johnny. From my best friend growing up who lived next door (his Grandpa was a bus driver and knew Johnny for life) to my own mom, who is the most famous Hendersonvillian in Hendersonville (for those who live out there, that’s June at HG Hills, tell her I said hello) – she literally knows and is friends with everyone. We all grew up with Johnny in a personal sense.

When Johnny passed away and was on the cover of TIME magazine, I was living down in Florida. My roommate at the time couldn’t understand how his death ‘affected me’ – it didn’t is so much as it might have affected a fan, it affected me in a much more personal sense. Johnny, no matter the circumstances in which we found ourselves, at the store, or in a restraunt, just being around, was always kind to me – always.

When June passed away I said to some friends Johnny didn’t have long. Unlike women, men rarely live long after their spouse passes. They had a strong love – as evidenced by the best video of all time, “Hurt”. Simply amazing to watch. A love possibly only surpassed by their love for the Lord and what He had done for them both.

Which brings me back to the house. The video was shot inside the home. The house that held so much love for so long has burned down. June and Johnny had long moved into a new house. And I’m sure it’s every bit as beautiful as the old.

NashvilleHype! Videos!

Posted Apr 1, 2007 by Paul
Filed under: News

At NashvilleHype!, I am always trying to find ways to help you promote yourself to the Nashville community and to add various elements to the site that just might help you otherwise.

Since starting NashvilleHype! I have showcased new artists on this site, hosted new artists songs on our NashvilleHype! Myspace account, added a great affordable service to help you spread the word about your upcoming shows, and now, get to tell you about something else really cool I just added.

NashvilleHype! Videos!

With our new NashvilleHype! video channel, you can register and either upload or link to your videos – for FREE! We will keep the widget above on site here to drive traffic over to the video site and all the videos will be aggregated in one location! No more YouTube here, or MySpace there… just send people to NashvilleHype.com and from here they’ll be able to find every video you have!

Smart artists will use this free service and it’s a pleasure to bring it to you.

Thank you for all of your support!

I’ll Be In Town Tomorrow! – UPDATE!

Posted Mar 19, 2007 by Paul
Filed under: News

Thanks to the wonderful weather we’ve been having… with the temperature going up and down and all around, I’ll not be able to make it tonight – my brain just might literally explode if I try… so hopefully I’ll be able to catch everyone another night when the weather stabalizes.

It’s looks as if I’ll actually be able to make into town tomorrow where I’ll be attending the excellent KingBilly showcase at the Exit/In – so if you’ve just been dying to meet me, lol, now would be your best chance for a while. I’ll be the goodlooking talented guy in Jeans and a hat. And if you haven’t been, at least you’ll see one heck of a show! I’m here to tell you, these guys are more talented than I’ve seen in 10 years – no joke. They seriously Rawk!

Oh, and watch out for the possible bidding war breaking out – there is serious interest in this band, from every angle.

Kim McAbee’s New Single

Posted Mar 19, 2007 by Paul
Filed under: News

I received a press release this week from my friend Claire Cook who I highly recommend as a PR person. She wanted to tell everyone about Kim McAbee and her new single.

Kim is repped by several different people here in Nashville and I felt I should give her a mention – because not only does she have Nashville reps (it takes more than that!), she also recorded with the late (and legendary) Buck Owens – which is really cool.

I found Kim’s CDBaby Page and also her live performance album from her home stage (The Crystal Palace – Buck Owens Home) – which is a lot of fun to listen to as it’s all covers and familiar songs.

She’s been working hard, that’s for sure, and though this song may be a tad too traditional for current radio play list, after all, it was written by Buck – it would be a nice addition… and it’s great to hear Buck come in on the chorus. The album itself is full of songs penned by some of Nashville’s finest.

Newcomer Kim McAbee Breaks Through with “I’ll Still Be Waiting For You”
Single Features Background Vocals of Buck Owens

(continue reading after the jump)

Continue reading “Kim McAbee’s New Single”

Pam Tillis New Album

Posted Mar 14, 2007 by Paul
Filed under: News

Speaking of great people, Pam Tillis has her new album “Rhinestoned” coming out soon and our friend Glenn Sweitzer recently shot the video to her new single “Band in the Window”.

Years ago I was on the road with Eddy Raven in Jackson, Mississippi. The State Fair was going and there were a number of artists on the fair grounds. Brooks & Dunn was scheduled to play and I was standing beside the stage watching as opening act LeeRoy Parnell finished up his act. Before I could blink I turned to see Pam Tillis standing beside me. She said, “how are you doing?”, to which I replied, “doing good, how are you?”. Pam said she was nervous and I told her she was going to do fine. Before I knew it, she was onstage ripping it up. Pam is one of the sweetest Country music acts you could ever hope to meet. Meeting her was the only time in my entire life I was somewhat “starstruck” – I just wasn’t expected to meet her and was shocked she was standing beside me, and besides, she’s so sweet – I guess in some ways, I still am starstruck by her.

Allen Delk, a friend of ours from Mississippi who we’ve had here on site, and who is just a great guy all around, has the envious position of helping Pam spread the word about her new album – we all wish her the best!

Aaron Tippin Performs for 500,000

Posted Mar 14, 2007 by Paul
Filed under: News

We kindof felt like we needed to give a nod to our friend Aaron Tippin. Back in December Aaron went over to visit the troops serving in Afghanistan and we wanted to interview him for the site, but due to some unforseen circumstances, were unable to.

First, we have to say, Aaron is a great guy. We’ve met some ‘stars’ in our time, some are wonderful people and a joy to be around, like Aaron, others… well… you know.

I recently came across an interview with Aaron and his belief in going over seas and entertaining the troops – 500,000 of them! It’s a good article and interview, so we hope you’ll give it a read.

After you do, please visit Aaron’s site and get his new “Now and Then” cd.

Michelle Crowley

Posted Jan 17, 2007 by Paul
Filed under: News

2006 Marked a huge year for Michelle Crowley and her band.

In early December working with her “Heart of a Hero” ( listen ) organization she was able to raise over $14,000 for the 5 families of the Fallen Firefighters in the Esperanza, Ca. wildfire. Two weeks later and for the second time that year she played a show at the Key Club Morongo, this time performing with legendary country artist David Allen Coe.

The year began with a determination to work on her career after a difficult time of getting divorced and moving to California ( listen ). Michelle knew that California is more accepting of artist that actually have a past life and have grown in their artistry. That’s not to put down the current crop of the younger artists coming out of Nashville, only something worth noting. Indeed, several years before, Michelle had been to Nashville, recorded in Nashville, and turned down several record and production deals in Nashville. But everyone knows, rarely is Nashville about strong females with a voice and something to say.

California on the other hand…

Michelle wasn’t wrong in her thinking. It wasn’t long after she moved to a small city outside of Los Angeles that word began to spread of her accomplishments and her voice ( listen ). Out of the blue people who had heard of her or heard her sing began to call and offer her shows. One person who called was the Talent Manager at the time for the Key Club Morongo, Robin Young.

Robin had found Michelle on Myspace and knew she’d be perfect for an upcoming show staring Randy Travis. In fact, Randy is known for not accepting opening acts and getting full approval of anyone who opens a show for him. Robin was confident in Michelle (though at this time, they’d never spoken) so she submitted Michelle to Randy. Randy gave Michelle his personal ok. The problem? Robin couldn’t get in touch with Michelle to offer her the show.

For two full weeks Robin tried to talk to Michelle. She emailed. She wrote personal letters on private message to Michelle and her friends. She called all over Nashville hoping someone would have a way of getting in touch with her. Things on Michelle’s side were chaotic at the time but eventually (the day after the Randy Travis show) a friend called Michelle and told her, “you’ve got to call this lady! She wants to offer you the Randy Travis show!”

Heartbroken, Michelle promised Robin that she would always be available to her. Within a few days Robin called again to offer Michelle the Carrie Underwood show. The rest, as the say, is history. ( listen )

That show is legendary for everyone who was lucky enough to attend. Michelle stole the crowd, and ultimately, the entire show. The Key Club was so impressed they vowed to work with Michelle again and again.

That brings us to 2007.

Michelle will be performing an exclusive showcase at the Key Club Hollywood soon. Start making plans now. You don’t want to miss this event.

From there, Michelle and her band will be playing all over southern California. Though new record and production deals (from Majors to minors and everyone in-between) seem to come in once a month or so like clockwork, Michelle has yet to choose a label to work with. The offers keep getting bigger and better and only time will tell with whom she will actually sign – if she signs with anyone at all.

But one thing is for certain…

Michelle will remain true to herself, her music, and her fans ( listen ). Thank you all for your friendship and support.

All Business (labels, management, production, publishing, media) inquiries contact: Paul King – sarsip@excite.com or paul at nashvillehype dot com

For all Band (booking, band members) inquiries contact: Tom Wilgus – tomwilgus@sbcglobal.net

(editor’s note: this will be the last post for a little while. We will return to regular schedule as soon as possible. In the meantime, Thank you for reading NashvilleHype! We appreciate it.)

Letters to the Editor

Posted Jan 6, 2007 by Paul
Filed under: News

I get letters all the time from people wanting my help in doing what this site is supposed to do – promote artist. If you’ve kept up with the site, you know that as time has gone on, I’ve gone from being non-selective in who I place on here, to being very selective. I simply came to the conclusion that I wasn’t really doing people any good if I wasn’t being honest – and part of being dishonest is giving space on this site to promote them if they’re really bad. That sounds horrible. But true! If they’re really good – I tell them to get out of Nashville altogether, there’s a world out there waiting. So anyhow, I thought I’d share a typical day in the life of owning a highly successful and respected publication (ok, we’re not the NY Times, but that’s because we’re in Nashville. j/k)

I warn you – it isn’t pretty. And like any good publisher publishing letters to the editor – all personal information is being withheld to protect the innocent and so the person who wrote the letter can remain annonymous. (I’ll add, these people freely wrote their letter to this editor and all typos are as they were)

I get this one ALL the time. So much in fact, I’ve decided to name it. I call it Divorced From Reality.

Continue reading “Letters to the Editor”

Ruth Greenwood – UPDATED

Posted Dec 31, 2006 by Paul
Filed under: News

This is a shameless plug for a friend of mine I haven’t talked to in a few months; Ruth Greenwood.

The thing about Ruth is, she’s a fantastic songwriter whose worked so hard on the craft of writing a song that I’d swear there was nothing more to learn, and yet, she insist there is. The simple truth is, this is a very well written, extremely lisenable cd and I think everyone would find something to enjoy by listening to it. “Wish I’d Known”, the opening track, is one of those songs that I could listen to a million times and not get tired of. It’s just damn good. Go over to Ruth’s MySpace and listen to it and “On The Head of a Pin” – they are gorgeous.

The publishers around Nashville quite frankly piss me off for reasons such as these because if there were justice in the world, Ruth would rein the female songwriting crowd. NO, I’m not segmenting, nor am I saying Ruth can’t compete with men, not in the least! Ruth can slaughter men not only in style but also in substance. She’s a great writer. Plain and simple. But there are some celebrated female songwriters in town and Ruth should be one of them. These other songwriters should be begging to write with someone of Ruth’s talents.

Here’s something else you might not know…

Ruth can SING! I’m not trying to put her down by saying that. I’m saying that it comes as a bit of a surprise because most songwriters, to tell the truth, can’t. Go to an open mic around town and you’ll know what I’m talking about. Not Ruth. She’s confident and that confidence makes her songs sound unbelievable beautiful. Confidence like she displays on this record allows the emotion behind the songs to stand out.

So publishers? Wake up for crying out loud! And the rest of you, head immediately over to Ruth’s website and BUY this cd. You will not regret it. It’s close to being the best of the year.


Wanna know what I’m talking about when I say publishers in this town need to get clued into the writing of Ruth Greenwood? Watch this video. THIS is how a song should be written, it’s quite simply beautiful – and as always, Ruth’s voice is spot on. This is the title track to her album, “I Won’t Apologize”.

A Few New Things For NH

Posted Dec 31, 2006 by Paul
Filed under: News

Although I haven’t been making many post in the last few days, I have been keeping busy behind the scenes. Some of these changes you can tell.

First up, I’ve added Snap Preview and if you hover your mouse over the link, you can see the page you’re directed to. This is only for outside links and doesn’t work for links within the site. It’s a pretty cool utility and I hope it will help you.

Next up I’ve added a MyBlogLog widget. MyBlogLog is a social network for bloggers and a great place to meet a lot of cool new people. If you have a blog of your own, consider joining and after you do, add me as a contact.

The people from MyBlogLog who visit may not be in the music industry at all (and most likely they aren’t), but they are knowledgeable and usually have some great information on their own blogs. So if you see a picture of someone that looks interesting in the MyBlogLog block, take a chance and give them a visit.

This leads to something else. If you or your band want to advertise on this site – it’s not nearly as expensive as you think it may be. In the near future, depending on demand, and using Snap, I’m going to add a service so you can place your picture on here along with the link to your site. This will only cost a few dollars a month – less than a case of beer! and less than a gallon of gas a week. So if you’re interested in getting some prime real-estate on NH, hit me up. Numbers? you say?… well, since we began in August we’ve had – 11,500 unique visitors, 19,800 visits, 42,800 pages have been served, and 68,700 hits. The ads appear on every page in the site.

OK, on to a few other changes here on site…

I added a meebome chat widget for the site. meebo is a great client that lets you use your existing chat program, even if the PC or laptop you’re on doesn’t have the client downloaded. So if you see me signed on (and even if you don’t) you can leave me a message right in the box and I’ll get it. If I happen to not be online at the time, please leave your name and a way to get ahold of you – once you leave the site, the information goes with you, so no worries about someone else getting ahold of it.

For instance, someone wrote to ask about getting the “Heart of a Hero” cd without signing into Paypal – my answer to this person is, we’re working on getting a new address set up so that you can send a check or money order. Since I don’t know who that person is or how to get ahold of them, I’ll just say keep checking back. And if YOU want to get your copy, the paypal payment address is sarsip at excite dot com. The cost is only $6 and that includes shipping and handling.

Ok, that’s it (and I know, thankfully!) Thanks for reading Nashville Hype!

Miss Me?

Posted Dec 29, 2006 by Paul
Filed under: News

Yeah, yeah, I know. Holidays.

Well, have no fear! I’m going to try and ramp up production again in the coming days. Until then, I thought I’d give you my New Years Resolutions for 2007!

#10. I resolve to start working on resolutions for 2008 early so I don’t have to do this crap again.

#9. I resolve to somehow fascilitate a “meeting” between Faith Hill and Carrie Underwood that is at least as hot as the dream I had about it the other night.

#8. I resolve to take sleeping pills regularly so I wont wake up in the middle of said dream like the other night.

#7. I resolve to start a petition saying that if you kill TAME pet bears named Cubby in a 4 acre cage it should be the law to spend at least a LITTLE time with Bubba in a 10 foot cell.

#6. I resolve to stop smoking. hahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Wanna see the Top 5? Read on after the jump.

Continue reading “Miss Me?”

Merry Christmas Everyone

Posted Dec 20, 2006 by Paul
Filed under: News

I hope everyone has a great Christmas holiday and a wonderful New Years. If you’re traveling, travel safely (keep those lights on!) and be sure to buckle up. NashvilleHype! will return just as soon as something interesting happens – in the mean time, we’ll be writing up our Top stories of 2006. If you’re looking for something to read, here’s a suggestion:

BloggingMuses – our sister site with a focus on Songwriting. I am a contributing writer there.

mashable – mashable is a weblog based on web 2.0 and the effect it has on the internet. A must have daily read for me.

SongwriterPro – a message board filled with songwriters from all over the world.

Also, if you’re looking to read about some great people, be sure to check out our Exclusive Interviews section on the sidebar.

And there is plenty of great music links here on site. Take a look around.

And don’t forget, if you’re still looking for a gift for your kids, check out the Fox and The Hound 2.

Michelle Crowley Rocks Morongo

Posted Dec 17, 2006 by Paul
Filed under: News

Michelle Crowley reports that her nearly sold out show with David Allen Coe at the Key Club Morongo went very well –
in fact, better than the Carrie Underwood show just a few months ago. She tells me the sound was better than last time (which is really saying something because I played that show with her and the sound at that time was amazing). She also reports that the Key Club Hollywood has asked for her and the band to come early next year and be the headline act and do a showcase.

In addition to this, she reports that prior to this concert, one of the godfathers of the music industry (someone who had a hand in building it from the ground up) has taken an interest in her as an artist. This particular person has helmed several major labels and currently has a joint venture with a major label. It is too early to tell where this might lead.

She recently declined a management contract with another well known former label executive feeling that his goals for her career were different than her own. The search in that aspect continues and she continues to manage and book herself. She also continues to work on “Heart of a Hero” and there should be more news on the soon.

(To see pictures of Michelle at the show, continue after the jump)
Continue reading “Michelle Crowley Rocks Morongo”

What Christmas is About

Posted Dec 16, 2006 by Paul
Filed under: News

You may think to yourself, “for a site based on Nashville, there sure is a lot of news from California on here”, well, it’s my site. lol

Seriously, though I am in Nashville, and though Nashville is my home town, California is where I’m supposed to be living. As a result, I have friends and associates in California, who from time to time will send me something. If I deem it worth posting about, I will, and I apologize to everyone else who’s news I don’t (because I tend to get swamped after something like this).

So with that, here’s some fantastic news. This is the kind of thing Christmas is all about and it shows what an impact a great group of artists FANS can have. And I’m telling you – NO artist has better fans than Carrie Underwood. Don’t believe me, check out the dedication on the site.

Here’s the note from my friend Rich:

CarrieNEWS.com has collected more than 250 Carrie Underwood “Some Hearts” CDs which we will be donating to Operation Gratitude as part of the holiday care package efforts indicated in the enclosed newsletter. This is a project which is near and dear to our hearts and we hope those of you close by will choose to help celebrate this event and even to come out and volunteer for this worthy cause. Thank you!

Rich Gordon
Site Owner/Webmaster
(To learn more, please see after the jump)

Continue reading “What Christmas is About”

More on Aubrey Collins

Posted Dec 14, 2006 by Paul
Filed under: News

Two nights ago when I broke the news that Aubrey Collins was to become the new lead singer for Trick Pony I’ll be honest and say I didn’t know that much about her.

I first went to her MySpace to listen to her songs (which I loved by the way), read her bio (there isn’t much information there other than she was in LA), and look at her “Top Friends” to see if there was anyone in Nashville I would recognize. There wasn’t.

I then did a Google search where I read an interview she had done this past year and went over to her website : http://web.archive.org/web/20070702072556/http://www.aubreycollins.com/ where I finally found some bio information. Only, when reading her bio, for some reason I glossed over one HUGE name she’s worked with(probably blinded by seeing the name of one of my favorite artist, Marilyn Manson).

My friend Trey Bruce, who has worked with everyone from Carrie Underwood to Trace Adkins, is working with Aubrey. Trey knows talent. (btw, not only has Trey written numerous #1 and hit songs, and not only has he produced some of country music’s biggest artist, he’s even won an Emmy Award for a song he wrote. To me, that’s just cool. And the kind of success as a songwriter I’d like to have.)

I just talked to Trey a couple weeks ago when I went to watch the excellent KingBilly perform at 12th & Porter. At the time he didn’t say anything about Aubrey or Trick Pony. I just spoke with Trey and he told me that he started working with Aubrey 5 years ago and together with Ira and Keith from Trick Pony, they have been writing songs together for the next Trick Pony album. He tells me that Aubrey will be coming to Nashville for an extended stay soon. I say we all welcome her with open arms and give Trick Pony the support they deserve.


Posted Dec 13, 2006 by Paul
Filed under: News

BREAKING NEWS! EXCLUSIVE! (Please credit NashvilleHype.com)

This has NOT been announced formally, but I can report from well placed sources that Trick Pony HAS in fact chosen a new lead singer to replace Heidi Newfield.

Heidi’s replacement is an extremely talented and successful singer in her own right. A beautiful girl who several years ago was a rising country singer praised in the halls of the entertainment industry in Nashville. Her vocal abilities at such a yound age led several to compare her to and believe she was positioned to take over the throne of LeAnn Rimes as country music’s young ‘it’ girl. However, after her first release and several years of playing live, she traded her country sounding roots for a more rocking edge – something she was very comfortable with on stage.

I had heard unconfirmed rumours that another female artist from the Nashville area had been chosen for the position (and she too would have been a good choice). But after seeing and hearing the new girl, I can see how she would fit perfectly with Trick Pony. It’s her combination of respect for country music, her vocal abilities, and her rock sensibilities that she brings to the table. Trick Pony is well known for all three.

(Find out who it is after the jump)


Fox and the Hound 2

Posted Dec 11, 2006 by Paul
Filed under: News

There are two new products that come out this week that, if you have little kids like I do, you can get as a stocking stuffer or gift.

First up is The Fox and the Hound 2 DVD. This is a brand new sequel to the original Fox and the Hound loved by so many. This new DVD features Reba McEntire, Trisha Yearwood, Jeff Foxworthy and Little Big Town doing voices for the characters. In fact, the DVD is loaded with memorable country tunes and great special features.

Which leads to the Fox and the Hound 2 CD, which not only features these artists, but also Josh Gracin, Chip Davis, and Mike Marshall. Hearing Trisha Yearwood sing “Blue Beyond” is worth the price alone! (don’t believe me, go over and take a listen – it’s beautiful)

So do you and your family a favor, buy both! (links lead to Amazon)

Win with NashvilleHype! and Aaron Tippin

Posted Dec 11, 2006 by Paul
Filed under: News


Congratulations goes to Cindy Thurman of Arkansas for winning the Aaron Tippin giveaway! Cindy will be receiving an autographed “Now and Then” CD and T-shirt from Aaron himself. Thank you to all those who entered, and be on the lookout for more great giveaways from NashvilleHype!

My Country Roots

Posted Dec 9, 2006 by Paul
Filed under: News

There’s a new book that just hit the market that would make an excellent Christmas present or stocking stuffer. My Country Roots: The Ultimate MP3 Guide to America’s Original Outsider Music
is a fantasticly categorized playlist collection of songs.

The book has 100 recommended playlist in various categories from Rockabilly to Outlaws to Executions – all descibing what makes the song not only fit the category, but why it’s worth it to even include it. The great thing is, there are a LOT of songs I’ve never heard before and this book makes me eager to seek them out… which I think was the point.

I hope to be interviewing the authors of the book (Alice Randall being a New York Times Best-Selling Author) soon to get a better insight into what they hope to accomplish – but because of the hectic schedule and Holidays, I wanted to at least give you the opportunity to buy the book yourself. It’s well worth it.

Troy Gentry Kills Bear, Escapes Pen

Posted Nov 28, 2006 by Paul
Filed under: News

I’ve tried to not allow NashvilleHype! to become one of those typical ‘fan’ sites bent on controversy to draw ratings. As a result, I’ve been reluctant to write about things like Carrie Underwood and the Faith Hill moment of drama (which btw, I’ve determined if you’re in the industry, it was a joke – if you’re not, it was a horribly mean and cruel thing to do, not to mention narcissistic – that skews 10% for and 90% against. Me? I’ve never known Faith to be a liar, and I’m not going to start calling her one now. It was a joke.)

But sometimes… sometimes I’ve had no choice but talk about things I’d rather not – if only because they are so absurd it’s hard not to talk about it.

I’ve written a couple times (here and here) about Troy Gentry and his problems with killing a caged bear. Today, Troy plead guilty.

From the Washington Post:

Troy Lee Gentry pleaded guilty Monday to a misdemeanor charge of falsely registering a captive bear as being killed in the wild.Under the plea, the 39-year-old country singer agreed to pay a $15,000 fine, give up hunting, fishing and trapping in Minnesota for five years, and forfeit both the bear’s hide and the bow he used to shoot the animal in 2004. The bear, named “Cubby,” was killed in a 3-acre private enclosure.

(continue reading after the jump)

Continue reading “Troy Gentry Kills Bear, Escapes Pen”

CMFSA Raises Money for St. Jude’s

Posted Nov 26, 2006 by Paul
Filed under: News

The Country Music Fan Site Association (CMFSA) is having an auction this week that features 20+ artist and over 50 autographed items. The proceeds of the auction will go to St. Jude’s Research Hospital. Some artist who have donated items are Bobby Pinson, Jimmy Wayne, Keni Thomas, and Ashley Gearing.

Click the banner below to go to the auction site.

Aaron Tippin to Afghanistan

Posted Nov 16, 2006 by Paul
Filed under: News

(ed note: I talked to Aaron about this and I think when he gets back we’re going to talk about his trip and his experiences – in the mean time, don’t forget to enter our Aaron Tippin Giveaway)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006 – Aaron Tippin will spend this Thanksgiving holiday with U.S. soldiers overseas Nov. 18-27 in Afghanistan by entertaining the troops there.

“Those are the real working men and women, and if I can repay even an ounce of what they are doing for me, my family, and my country by taking their mind off of the day-to-day risks…well, I can’t think of a better thing to do with my time,” Tippin said earlier today. “They have been fighting for the rights we take for granted every day, and I want to make sure they know we’re thankful.”

(hat tip:cst)

Joan Oborne’s Gone Country

Posted Nov 14, 2006 by Paul
Filed under: News

As reported earlier on NashvilleHype!, Joan Osborne is releasing a country album. Here’s more about the effort:

Osborne Releases Country Album This Tuesday

Veteran singer, Joan Osborne will release her first Country Music album called, “Pretty Little Stranger” this Tuesday on Vanguard Records.

You may recall that in the late 90s, Osborne, the Anchorage, Kentucky born singer/songwriter, became part of America’s pop culture legacy with her smash hit, “What If God Was One Of Us,” from the multi-platinum album “Relish.” The song dominated the airwaves of Top 40, Rock, AC ,and even Alternative radio for several years.

Instead of falling victim to the infamous “sophomore jinx” Osborne went about the business of being a serious working musician. Over the years she has performed with such notables as Luciano Pavarotti, Bob Dylan, Randy Scruggs and Ricky Skaggs. Joan also put her talent and star power behind numerous humanitarian causes, giving a little something back to the world.

Among her follow ups to “Relish,” was Osborne’s 2002’s release “How Sweet It Is,” which focused heavily on Motown classics.

When listening to “Pretty Little Stranger,” one would never guess that Joan Osborne had ever left Kentucky and ever sang anything but Country Music. The album, produced by Steve Buckingham, features Osborne performing her renditions of songs by Kris Kristofferson, Harlan Howard/Beth Neilson Chapman and Rodney Crowell. Yet it is her own compositions that provide many of the albums highlights. Guest vocalists feature Vince Gill, Allison Krauss, Rodney Crowell and Dan Tyminski.

(hat tip:aac)

Kellie Pickler Has a Sitcom Coming

Posted Nov 14, 2006 by Paul
Filed under: News

Variety reports that Twentieth Century Fox-TV is developing a half-hour sitcom revolving around “American Idol” finalist (6th place), and new BNA recording artist, Kellie Pickler.

Pickler will play a naive small-town Southern girl (a character based on herself) who discovers that her biological father is the state’s well-respected governor. As a result, his presidential dreams are jeopardized, but the two form a father/daughter relationship that in the end, winds up helping his standing in the polls.

“Idol” producer, 19 Entertainment and Watson Pond are also behind the project. 19’s Simon Fuller, Watson Pond’s Brad Johnson, and Malcolm Young will be executive producers. Chris Peterson and Bryan Moore from “That ’70s Show” will write and create the project, which has landed a script order.

Johnson said he was impressed by the 20 year-old Pickler’s comedic timing on “Idol.” The “Idol” finale even featured a running segment in which Wolfgang Puck tried to feed Pickler upscale cuisine…and drew laughs for the young singer’s reaction to the foreign fare.

“She’s fresh and sparkling and sweet, and we decided it would be great to take some of that natural comedic ability and put her in a situation comedy, surrounded by an ensemble,” Johnson told Variety. Pickler drew an “Idol” following for her brash honesty and mispronunciation of words like “calamari” and “salmon.”

(hat tip:aac)

CMA Awards Show

Posted Nov 7, 2006 by Paul
Filed under: News

If you’ve enjoyed tonight’s CMA Show – and you haven’t entered our CMA Awards Show contest – time is running out! Click here or the banner at the top of the page to find out how you can enter and win.
On to tonight’s big show.

First off, Faith Hill took the night performance wise. She was stunningly on key, especially compared to some of the glaring missteps from other artists who really struggled to keep in key.

Carrie Underwood takes home not only the Horizon Award and Female Vocalist of the Year, she also takes home the “Really Super Sweet/Most Genuine” award for actually showing that she cares. She was adorable in her innocent way of accepting the Female Vocalist Award – crying and smiling at the same time. Just made you want to be proud of her – and I was!

(continue reading after the jump)

Continue reading “CMA Awards Show”

Post Moved

Posted Nov 5, 2006 by Paul
Filed under: News

The article “Songwriting Workshops, Never Again” was originally intended and can be found at our sister site Blogging Muses.

Known as “The Songwriter’s Blog”, Blogging Muses is a site dedicated to education of songwriters – featuring news, interviews, products, and guest bloggers – if you’re a serious songwriter you owe it to yourself to bookmark and check back often.

Songs of the Year on GAC

Posted Nov 3, 2006 by Paul
Filed under: News

Great American Country (GAC) will produce a two-hour concert special and behind-the scenes documentary involving the Songs Of The Year concert. Taking place November 5th at the Schermerhorn Symphony Center in Nashville, the concert will be hosted by Trace Adkins and feature many of the artists on the “Songs Of The Year” CD.

GAC will premiere its Songs Of The Year documentary on November 21 at 8pm. The two-hour Songs Of The Year concert special will premiere January 27th at 9pm.

On sale now at 547 Cracker Barrel locations and online at crackerbarrel.com, the exclusive “Songs Of The Year” CD features today’s top country artists performing songs that earned “Song of the Year” recognition from the Country Music Association, Academy of Country Music or Grammy awards. The following artists are featured on the CD and will perform at the “Songs Of The Year” concert.

Trace Adkins
Trisha Yearwood
The Wreckers
Jamie O’ Neal & Michael McDonald
Ronnie Milsap & Jypsi
Jo Dee Messina
Deana Carter & Heart
Special guest appearance by Billy Currington

(continue reading after the jump)

Continue reading “Songs of the Year on GAC”

CMT Wants YOUR Videos!

Posted Nov 3, 2006 by Paul
Filed under: News


If you play country, alt country, roots rock, bluegrass, southern rock or folk music and are unsigned, check out CMT’s Music City Madness. CMT.com is taking your original video entries and putting them online for for the viewers to vote on. So if your band rocks, your music might just end up on CMT Loaded and streamed by a ton of fans. You could even win a trip to Nashville, TN where you’ll get your own 330 Session. So, make it happen.

Cracker Barrel “Songs of the Year” CD

Posted Oct 31, 2006 by Paul
Filed under: News

Some have been asking, “what is the ‘Songs of the Year’ CD and where can I get a copy?”

It’s easy – you can visit any of the more than 500 Cracker Barrel locations throughout the country or you can purchase the cd online at the Cracker Barrel ‘Old Country Store’ gift shop.

Here are the songs and performances included on the CD:

“Dang Me”Willie Nelson & Jack Ingram
“Strawberry Wine”The Wreckers
“Sunday Mornin’ Comin’ Down”Trace Adkins
“Back Home Again”Trisha Yearwood
“Murder On Music Row”Dierks Bentley & George Jones
“When I Call Your Name”Jo Dee Messina
“City Of New Orleans”Lonestar
“Chiseled In Stone”Randy Travis
“Stranger In My House”Jypsi
“I Still Believe In You”Jamie O’Neal & Michael McDonald
“The Gambler”Blake Shelton
“Go Rest High On That Mountain”Deana Carter & Heart

Cracker Barrel ‘Songs of the Year’ Concert

Posted Oct 31, 2006 by Paul
Filed under: News

Presented by:

We get to report from the Cracker Barrel “Songs of the Year” concert held at the Schermerhorn Symphony Center this Sunday – first from the Red carpet and then from inside the center.

Attending and performing this event will be a stellar cast including:

Jamie Denton – “Desperate Housewives”
Trisha Yearwood
Ronnie Milsap
Hank Williams, Jr.
Michael McDonald
Trace Adkins
Billy Currington
Jason Aldean
The Wreckers

Continue reading “Cracker Barrel ‘Songs of the Year’ Concert”

CMA Awards Show Contest!

Posted Oct 28, 2006 by Paul
Filed under: News

NashvilleHype! has teamed up with the CMA Awards Show to give away a CMA prize pack. There’s only ONE prize pack and it consist of a CMA Awards Show Hat and CMA Awards Show Shirt – Exclusive ONLY to the Actual CMA Awards Show. You can’t buy these products anywhere else but the venue on November 6th.

How can you enter and win? We’re looking for the BEST STORY of you and a CMA Awards Show Celebrity. If you have a Picture to go along with your story – even better! (but certainly not necassary)


*Stories should be no more than around 500 words in length and should NOT come as an attachment but should be part of the body of the email.

Email the story (and the photo if you have one) to: NashvilleHype!

It’s that simple!
Here are the contest rules:

No purchase is necessary to win.

Entries must include name, address, phone number and email address.

Entrants understand that all decisions by the judges are final.

Entrants agree and understand that their entry may be re-printed on this site along with any photograph that might accompany the story.

We will not in any way make available your personal information and will only use it to contact you in the event you win.

Contest ends November 10th, 2006 at which time a winner will be chosen.

NashvilleHype!, CMA, and no one else associated with this promotion can be held liable for grievances in conjunction with this contest. (It’s for fun people!)

Thanks for Entering!! We hope you win and enjoy the CMA Music Awards Show on ABC Nov. 6th hosted by Brooks & Dunn!

Grechen Goes 5x Platinum

Posted Oct 26, 2006 by Paul
Filed under: News

Gretchen Wilson’s debut CD, “Here For The Party,” was certified quintuple platinum for sales in excess of five million units. The critically-acclaimed album was released May 11, 2004 and spent a record nine weeks atop the Billboard Country Albums Chart.

Her first single “Redneck Woman” spent a record six weeks at number 1 and has reached well over 100,000 digital downloads.

Wilson recently completed her first book, “Redneck Woman – Stories from My Life,” which will hit stores next Tuesday, Oct. 31.

(hat tip:cst)

I’m Almost Home!

Posted Oct 20, 2006 by Paul
Filed under: News

I placed an exclimation point on my title. I’m not sure I’d go that far. But I am excited about the opportunities that have presented themselves over the last several months. Have a lot to do when I get there.

I will be playing open-mics and shows along with and just like everyone else – so if you happen to see me out and about, don’t be shy – come over and introduce yourself. Let me know what’s going on.

I’ll be writing, pitching, singing, and working a lot. Welcome to Nashville.

One thing I am really excited about I can’t even talk about yet. I’ve been working on building something unlike anything else ever seen for the internet – particularly for the songwriting community. It’s going to be supercool and if the success of NashvilleHype! is any indication, it’s going to be a huge success. So I hope to find some really talented (and deep pocketed) partners.

Of course since Michelle sings 5 songs I’ve written including “Heart of a Hero”, it’s in the best interest to work on her career and that will play a part of what I’ll be doing in town. There are several people to meet with concerning her career and what she will be doing next. She is in negotiations of a major management contract at the moment – but it’s a toss up as to whether the nagotiations will work out. Regardless, I’ve handled basic management and worked hard for her for over two years and that will continue for a while.

Last but not least of course is this site. Being out on the road while trying to maintain the site is simple thanks to the power of the Internet – but more and more I’ve needed to meet with people, talk to people, learn about people on a personal level – which I can’t do while I’m away. So I’m excited that I will be able to accomplish so much more by being there than by being on the road – and though I’m really just ready to go home and spend time with Michelle and the kids – in some sense, I have no choice.

I’ll be seeing you soon. And the site here will be better than normal before long! Thanks for sticking around.

While I’m Away, Who Are These People?

Posted Oct 16, 2006 by Paul
Filed under: News

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