Home Archive Ryan Tyndell

Ryan Tyndell


Posted Aug 17, 2006 by Paul
Filed under: Exclusive Interview

Ryan Tyndell, the lead singer and primary songwriter of the band that carries his name, is easy going, laid back, and super nice. Surprising in some ways given the future he has in front of him, but also refreshing, because you know that if he’s not affected at this point, chances are he’ll still be that same friendly guy when all is said and done.

Signed to Sony/ATV Music publishers in both a Production and Songwriting deal a little over a year ago, Ryan continues to show up everyday eager to write the best material of his career. It’s clear that Sony/ATV has a strong belief in Tyndell and who would argue? With songs like “Waiting on an Angel”, “Melt In Your Memory”, and “Beautiful Lie”, Tyndell are well on their way to the broad commercial appeal that many in the Nashville music industry have been hoping to find. The well deserved record deal and accolades from Country music fans can’t be far behind.

If you want a glimpse of a future star, Tyndell performs at Douglas Corner on Aug. 31st at 9pm.

I recently had the opportunity to interview Ryan as he finished another long day in his office writing songs.

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PKTyndell is not only your name, it’s the name of the band, and as I understand it, you really want this to be a band experience?

RyanVery much so. To me there is something to be said for the camaraderie of a band. A collective vehicle for creativity that operates as one unit. There’s a certain feeling of brotherhood in a band. you share the ups, the downs, the struggle and reward in a business where there is enough of every emotion to go around several times over. I was lucky enough to find the caliber of band mates in Clint, Ben, and Danny. I think the country genre is ready for another band experience.

PKYou’re currently signed to Sony/ATV, why don’t you tell us a little of how that happened, who it was that ‘championed’ you in the deal, and what you did previously?

RyanTo make a very long and tedious story brief, I was still fairly new in town. I had been here off and on for about a year and a half, trying to make as many contacts with writers, producers, and pretty much anyone who would listen to me. Eventually, through a friend I landed a pitch meeting with Jim Catino, an A&R rep at the RCA label group here in Nashville. Jim was kind enough to make a few calls to 4 of the major publishers in town, which led me to Arthur Buenahora’s office @ Sony/ATV. After a few sit downs I received a call from Producer/Writer Brett Beavers, who Arthur had passed along a few of my songs. I was very excited knowing the success Beavers had had with the Dierks Bentley records to say the least, and he seemed to be into the idea of breaking a band. I think it was a week or so later after going to lunch with Arthur and Brett that Sony/ATV offered me a publishing and production contract. It can be very overwhelming at times knowing the talent in this town and how many writers out there just like me are searching for deals. I feel very fortunate and blessed that they believe in the project. After signing at Sony, I was able to quit my job at UPS working nights. And what a glorious feeling that was. I was finally able to get paid for what I love, and that is write songs. But still the same the struggle makes it that much sweeter in the end.

PKYou’re songs are very contemporary which should translate well to a broad audience, do you worry about alienating hardcore country fans with your sound or do you believe you’ll be able to make converts?

RyanOf course there is always the question of marketability, and I believe that we are on the right track. Although some of our songs may have an “Alt” or “left of center” feel to them, I don’t think that we’ll alienate anyone. In my opinion we as an industry don’t give the listener the credit they deserve. Music fans just plain love and appreciate music. And I think country fans, as well as not so country fans, will get what we’re trying to do.

PKThe songs on your MySpace are all written or co-written by you. First, do you have outside songs? And secondly, do you have a process by which you choose outside songs?

RyanRight now we are still in the early stages, so we haven’t sought out outside songs as of yet. I’m sure the time will come. Nashville has the best writers in the world and I’m always for the idea of the best songs getting cut. Some writers come from different places and experiences that need to be heard. But as of now we really have no process of selecting outside songs.

PKWhat’s the best thing about living in Nashville?

RyanNashville is a melting pot of talent. The rock scene seems to be blossoming as well as the R&B scene. It reminds me a bit of Austin, which makes me feel at home. On any given night you can seek out whatever you’re in the mood for and find it. I really dig that.

PKWhat’s the worst?

RyanI have no big complaints about Nashville. I do miss my home state of Texas and don’t get back as often as I would like, so I guess that’s my only complaint.

PKHow often do you get to go out and see other bands in Nashville, and what other band or artist would you say you’re a big fan of?

RyanI try to get out as often as I can. If music were a drug I would have O.D.’d long ago. I’m a huge fan of the new Eric Church record that just came out in the Capitol camp. He’s one of our writers at Sony and it was cool to see him go through the same process that were trying to go though. I’ve also been listening a lot to the artists involved with the Movement Nashville (editor’s note: I’ll be interviewing them and several of their groups soon) group. They have some serious talent in that camp.

PKAre you interested in pitching your songs to other artists?

RyanAnytime you can get a cut it’s a good thing. Aside for writing for my project I do try to stay in the game as far as getting songs to other artists. My song plugger at Sony, Abbey Burkhalter is one of the best in town. It’s nice to work with someone who believes in what you are doing. She’ll take over the world someday, no doubt.

PKWhat artist would you most like to cut one of your songs?

RyanIt’s great to see another artists interpretation of one of your songs, but as long as we’re in La la land, I’d take a few Mcgraw or Flatts cuts.

PKFootball, Basketball, Baseball, or NASCAR? Which would be the best place to take a date?

RyanI’m a baseball freak. I wouldn’t recommend it for a first date, but it’s always a good time at the ballpark. I just wish my Texas Rangers would win a few more and get some pitching. Yeah, I’d pick baseball.

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